cause I just knew any moment Joaquin would ask for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich J He did and I put honey on it in hopes of satisfying the desire for jam…need I tell you…it did NOT work. So I began a search for strawberries. We have a wonderful market here in Utah called “The Sunflower Market”. They sell great local produce at super low prices and thankfully theystill had some strawberries.

I bought 12 pints without translating that into “jam work hours”. Can you say C.R.A.Z.Y.?J. I used Suregell (recipe for making both freezer jam and cooked jams inside package) and made 15- 8oz jars of freezer jam and 128oz of cooked jam. Not as a pat on my own back but, as a warning to all others….I did this by myself with the exception of prepping the strawberries to be crushed. Thankfully, Rodrigo did this for me because even with his help this was a two day project. I don’t recommend the “go it alone” idea. Anyhow, the jam is supper yummy. And even with my mistake of re-using the flat lids...this is not recommended by pro jam makers as it is highly likely they won't seal properly. Everyone of mine did. This is some, I repeat some of the damage my house sustained while my focus was jam bound. Having to clean the house after the jam work was done nearly put me in my grave, or so it felt like it :)

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And the taste panel says....